Good job Lakers you did a good job. My team is the Kings and we are really better.

A few words from mom... Kenyon has been begging to have a blog for such a long time now. We told him that once he learned all his letters and the sounds they make he could start one but that happened way earlier than I expected. Then we said he could have one when he turns 5 and that is in just a few days. So here it is... Kenyon's blog. Enjoy. Oh and just so you know he picked all the titles and the domain name and has had this for about a year without being allowed to use it. He is so excited. And about his game - it was so cute! He did really good and although he likes basketball we realized we should have put him in modeling since he spent more time posing, doing cartwheels and strutting around than focusing on the game... what a dork!